Thursday, November 26, 2009


So I have recently started dating this girl Kelli Mercado. We have been together for 2 months now and for those who don't know her she is a force to be reckoned with. The girl is really just amazing!!! I have never been so stoked on a girl before like I am her. She has the most addicting and bubbly personality around and there is something about her that just makes me weak in the knees...yeah yeah yeah call me corny, but its the truth...she is an amazing person. Here is a small taste of some of her traits that I love: no...ridiculous, artistic, intelligent, genuine, sincere, beautiful, and most of all Filipina!

But the reason that I wrote this is to let everyone know that I love this girl so much.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Being disappointed by people you love is just one of the crappiest feelings in the world. I mean it would be one thing if you didn't care much about the person and they just constantly disappointed you; It would be easy to brush that person off as one of those 'flakey' types. When it comes to those people in your life that you absolutely love and they disappoint you, you just want to shrivel up and die inside. Probably one of the worst feelings ever in the world...I mean you just hope every time that this one time will be the one time they don't disappoint you.

I am starting to realize that this is just how some people are, no matter how much you love them.
I guess its either deal with it or move on, right?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Maui Nectar

Its been a while...
This weekend I was on Maui with 14 other skaters/skate enthusists...we headed over for the Maui Slopestyle held by a local Maui boy Josh Weisfeld...after Darryl Freeman took 1st in the comp we decided to go skate down Mt. Haleakala...this is where it started...the feeling after the first 3 sections of the mountain was immense...just before the start of the last section of the run the 10 of us that were skating kinda just looked at each other and with out a word spoken had the biggest smiles on our that instant the feeling of unity within the group was know that I was skateboarding down this mountain with some really genuine good guys left me share that experience with them will be in my memory for a lifetime...

A summation of the trip...