So here I go!
I will start about 6 months ago in October when I broke my arm at a hardcore show at a local venue here in Hawaii. A mainland band named The Devil Wears Prada (click for one of my favorite songs) was playing and I was dancing like I normally would and I threw my arm backwards during a breakdown and I nailed some dude in the forehead with my forearm... broken Ulna Broken Arm:) Me breaking my arm made me really think about how old I am getting and how I might need to slow down a little...and I did that. I started thinking things through before I did them and for the most part I didn't hurt myself!
Over winter break with the copious amounts of time I had off from the military during this time, I helped out my good friends Josh86 and Serps remodel this place they bought in
We worked long hours reupholstering the seats, painting the walls, and getting things ready for the December 31st opening. It was a success and they had their 'soft' opening New Year's Eve. Good times with good friends and a great feeling of accomplishment for my friends new restaurant/diner! I was going to post some pictures of the food that I took but just realized that they used my pictures for the website! Yayyy me!
Amidst the chaos of getting the diner together a friend of mine lost his life in a hit and run while he was riding his bike around the island with the AlohaFixed crew on December 17th, 2010. Zachary Manago was struck by a speeding car and thrown from his bike and landed in a grassy area where he died laying on the side of the road. I was awoken at 1am by a phone call from a friend that passed this news to me...I was deeply saddened by this. A few days later me and 4 other guys went looking for the car that struck Zach in the accident...and by some remarkable ridiculous chance after only an hour of looking for it, we found it. We immediately alerted the police and they arrested the guy. The case is still under investigation but we are hopeful that justice will be served R.IDE I.N P.ARADISE ZACH.
For more info go here:
With the start of the new year it was almost like the start of a new life for me. At work I started training the guy who was going to replace me because in February I would be starting my separation process to get out of the Navy. This leads me to THE turning point of my recent life...After being in the Navy for 9 1/2 years I was finally getting out! I was having some hard times at work with these huge exercises we had going on and trying to train the new guy at the same time was just taking its toll on me mentally and physically. I tried to keep a positive attitude, P.M.A.!, and mostly just tell myself that it will be all over in a couple months... I made it! There were a few bumps in the road with the process of separating. This didn't surprise me in the least bit because it's the Navy and I knew how the Navy works. I was hoping I would get out with no bumps, but I wasn't surprised when the administrative people screwed up!
In the month or so leading up to me getting out I got really caught up in the separation process and forgot what I had told myself in October when I broke my arm and that was to 'SLOW DOWN'!
I was doing some filming of me and my friend James Ramsey biking with my GoPro cam. I had figured out this pretty sweet mounting spot on the fork pointed back at me and him to catch us both riding we started from his house and headed down the hill and this happened...

Yup, all with a smile, I crashed pretty hard afterthat dump truck cut me off and got some really gnarly road rash on my back! So, if I hadn't lost sight of what I had told myself a few months earlier, then I probably wouldn't have been in that situation.
In between all of 
best for the task. Pretty neat if ya ask me! After 50 hours of volunteering you receive the coveted HIHO t-shirt. Now, I have wanted that shirt and worked very hardfor it and I stand at 49 Ryan, the director of HIHO and good friend, has set up one last thing for me to get my last hour of volunteering to get that shirt! This coming sunday @ 6am I will be doing a photo shoot with HIHO to highlight their first 5 to 50...and I guess in the realm of volunteering that will count to put me over 50 hours ;)

A few weeks ago while I was riding my bike with a group of friends on our normal Tuesday Night Ride (TNR) route I was hit by a car. My friend who was right behind me said that right before the guy hit me I launched myself off of my bicycle, tossed it to the side and cartwheeled over the hood of the truck...didn't know I had it in me but I guess when your survival instincts kick in anything is possible! I came out of that accident a little shook up, some road-rash on the knees and a slightly torn MCL in my right knee. A couple weeks later I am good to go, back on my bicycle!
my accidents I was still getting tattooed at 808Tattoo in Kaneohe by Jen Harden. I've been getting tattooed by her close to 7 years now. There are a ton of tattoo's that we had started and had yet to finish. So now that it is getting close to my departure from Hawaii we are trying to get everything finished!
Haha, okay, between my injuries, tattoos and whatever else I have going on in my life I have also been volunteering with this non-profit that goes by HIHO, or Hands in Helping Out. The way they work is they focus on the type of volunteering that you are good at, whether it is some sort of manual labor or reading books to kids. Organizations go to HIHO asking for a certain number of bodies and then HIHO goes into their body-pool and see who would work

As of March 8th, 2011, I am no longer 'Property of the U.S. Government'...I finished my tour in the Navy and will be steering a course for home, New York. I've applied to CUNY Brooklyn and Queens for studies in Art and Art Education. The reason I chose those schools was due to the fact that Brooklyn CUNY has a really good program for Art Education and Queens CUNY has a decent Art program as well. Me finally being out of the Navy has allowed for me think more on my own level and really give me some clarity. I have been WAY more productive when it comes to my artwork and sketching...

Me leaving Hawaii has been and still will be bitter-sweet...I have met so many good people here and made a ton of good friends and more-so, some really influential people that I look up to as people and artists; Kelli Mercado, A.J. Feducia, and Nicole Naone to name a few. At the same time I know it is my time to leave Hawaii and start a new chapter in my life and focus on my art and my career.
I fly off island on the 27th of this month, which is 10 days away...kind of surreal. As I sit here and type this I can only imagine what my travels have in store for me, what the future has destined for me...
Until next time... Aloha.
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